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FairVote Washington
FairVote Washington is a nonpartisan advocacy group working for the adoption of Ranked Choice Voting in Washington State elections
Email Headers:
Current header design for King County chapter emails using organization's logo and style guide
Proposed email header for Advocate Update emails
6 Cities:
It is currently illegal for most localities in Washington State to explore any form of elections other than our current "first past the post"/winner take all system. The first step to exploring other forms of election organization here is what is called the Local Options Bill which would make it legal for localities to explore Ranked Choice Voting if they want to. 6 cities in the state have written letters expressing support for the Local Options Bill and I designed these graphics to be used on Twitter to build local support in those communities and express the broad and diverse support for Ranked Choice Voting. To create these designs, we reached out to organization contacts in the towns and asked them for their favorite local landmarks. Hopefully stickers will be the next move for these designs.
I created these graphics to be used in ad contexts, primarily but not exclusively on social media, to be both educational and pique interest.
Animated Gifs:
I created these GIFs to be used as stickers for Instagram stories. They will hopefully be part of the campaign to get the Local Options Bill passed next legislative session.
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